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Friday 27 March 2020


2020 has got off to a weird start. Three months in and as you know, we are in the midst of a Coronavirus pandemic. No, it's got nothing to do with the beer. It's a new respiratory illness; affecting the lungs and airways, which originated from Wuhan, China in December 2019. We know that there are different symptoms and you can also be asymptomatic and be a carrier of the virus. 
Since the arrival of Coronavirus into the UK in late January , we've been constantly reminded to wash our hands to minimise its spread; which begs the question, weren't people washing their hands before? Clearly not. In February we were optimistic and positive, determined not to let the virus disrupt our daily lives. We did what we do best. We kept calm and carried on. Our ability to keep calm and carry on is what gets us through times of uncertainty. Fast forward to March and the severity of the situation had escalated. What was initially described as an outbreak was upgraded to a pandemic by the World Health Organisation. Daily life could no longer continue in its current form and the government advised that things would need to change. The closure of pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants, leisure centres, libraries, museums, galleries and non-essential retail shops; combined with further emphasis on social distancing, staying at home and avoiding all but essential travel means that for now, we'll have to change our way of life. These current closures mean we'll have to utilise our time differently. Staying in will be the new going out for the foreseeable future and it doesn't have to be boring. Here are 25 things you can do during self-isolation/lockdown.

1. Have a structured routine 
It can be tempting to be unproductive when you’re at home for a while but try to have a routine to keep you energised and productive. Wake up at a reasonable time, create a to do list and plan your day. Structure is also good for your mental wellbeing. 

2. Get a diary 
 If ever there was a ’that’s one to tell the grandkids’ moment, this is one of them. Get a diary to jot down everything you’ve done each day. Once this is all over, you can look back on what you did during self-isolation. 

3. Binge-watch dramas/documentaries/that series you never got round to watching 
With all this free time on your hands (no pun intended, although I do hope you’ve washed your hands for 20 seconds), why not get stuck into dramas and documentaries? Didn’t get round to watching all the episodes of Last Tango in Halifax? Well guess what, it’s on BBC iplayer. Is there a programme you wanted to watch the other week but for some reason or another, you missed it? There’s so many catch up tv services available. Perhaps you’ve always wondered what the hype surrounding Netflix is all about? Well, subscribe and see. Disney+ has also now launched. Erm hello, who doesn't love Disney?

4. Study an online course
Reed are offering a range of accredited online courses starting from as little as £10  This is a great way to keep your brain busy and saying you studied an online course for fun will look impressive on your CV. It shows you know how to use your time effectively.
Remember, when looking at online courses, make sure they’re accredited by the relevant industry body as this guarantees your qualification will be recognised. 

5. Shop considerately 
Be mindful and considerate of others when shopping. Especially for food. Don’t be aggressive towards others, don’t take more than you need and observe any item restrictions. 

6. Cook/Bake/Try new recipes 
When George Bernard Shaw said there is no greater love than the love of food, he wasn’t joking. If you’ve got cookery books you haven’t got round to using, now’s the time. The BBC good food website also has a wide range of recipes for you to try.

7. Check up on friends and family 
This one goes without saying. FaceTime, Skype, text, call and social media.

8. Continue your skincare routine 
It's good to maintain a good skincare routine during self-isolation, to keep skin moisturised. Superdrug have a Personal Skin Advisor which uses your answers to find the right cleanser, toner and moisturiser for your skin.

9. Do the housework 
Admit it. You have been meaning to do the housework but you keep postponing it cause you’re busy. There’s no excuses now. You’re in self-isolation. Whether it’s tidying your room, a good spring clean or changing the interiors.

10. Do the gardening 
Gardening can be therapeutic. Try growing your own vegetables or planting flowers.

11. Do any other things you’ve been postponing 
Self-explanatory this one. Once you see the end result, I promise you’ll thank me for it.

12. Exercise indoors 
The governments’ decision to close gyms doesn’t mean you can’t exercise. Bring your workout routine to the comfort of your own home by downloading apps such as the 30 Day Ab Challenge and the Ab and Core  workouts. I enjoy these apps because they're simple and easy to follow. 

13. Exercise outdoors 
We're still allowed to go outside to exercise either alone or with a family member from the same household. You can run, walk or cycle. Whenever I'm out and about, I like to use Sweatcoin to track the number of steps I've walked. This app converts steps into sweatcoins. It really does pay to walk.

14. Help out in your local community 
You can volunteer to help people with their shopping, dog walking, errands etc. 

15. Follow local news and community groups on social media 
Make sure you follow area-specific social media accounts regarding information about the Coronavirus in your area. It’s also a good idea to follow community groups so you’ll be in the loop on what’s happening within your local community. 

16. Get your game on
I’ve seen lots of people buying jigsaw puzzles to keep themselves entertained during self-isolation. Board games and video games are also a good way to wind down in the evening. Alternatively, you may prefer to download games from the App Store.

17. Read a book
The last book I read was Shopping, Seduction & Mr Selfridge by Lindy Woodhead, and that was five years ago. Make of that what you will.

18. Learn a new language 
Have you always wanted to learn a language but didn’t get round to it? Apps like Babbel is interactive and perfect for beginners. It’s easy to use and you learn real-life phrases that are actually useful.

19. Retail therapy 
Whilst many non-essential shops have closed, some are still offering the option to order online so you’ll be able to treat yourself. Or you can add items to your wishlist to buy when things are back to normal. Retail therapy adds a little joy in times of uncertainty. Along with laughter, it’s the best medicine. Brb stocking up on cute loungewear sets and Yankee Candle’s reed diffusers. 

20. Get creative
Whether it’s starting a YouTube channel, designing jewellery or learning how to knit, now’s the time to do it. Obviously, as everyone’s been advised to stay indoors, there’s a limit to what you can do but if it’s something that can be done at home, why not? There's online tutorials out there.

21. Get glammed up… even if you’ve got nowhere to go 
All dressed up and nowhere to go personified. Recreate makeup looks on youtube.

22. Have a ’drink’ with friends
Pour your preferred alcoholic beverage into a glass and have a drink and a chat with a friend via Skype. You'll be having a drink without flouting social distancing rules. Disclaimer, only do this if you're the legal drinking age. 

23. Bring the pub quiz home 
There are online pub quizzes you can do at home. Challenge the Brain have over 30 pub quizzes to try.
Many pubs are also offering virtual weekly pub quizzes on their social media platforms.

24. Become a conspiracy theorist
During self-isolation, discuss with friends and family why you think this happened. Is it a sign that we take things for granted too easily? Who knows.

25. Rest
And finally... although it’s important not to be lazy cause you’re at home, it’s also important to rest and recuperate.

Thanks for reading,

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